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Led by artist and CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo Office Manager Guy Bernard Reichmann, alongside artists and Content Managers Mona Benyamin and Esraa Abed, “out-of-office” is a series of events to be presented in the Marc Schimmel Multipurpose Gallery. Focused on time-based practices such as video, dance, and performance, and in line with the multidisciplinary mission of the Center, “o-o-o” was conceived as a way to nurture the domestic scene.

The latest event of this series is SELECTION OF VIDEO ART #3 – the third iteration of the nomadic screenings curated by sweetransfer (Yoel Peled and Schahar Mizrahi). The screening will feature works by Guy Ben-Ner, Uri Katzenstein, Mark Leckey, Roy Menachem Markovich, Shay-Lee Uziel, and Ana Wild created in the last decade, and based on associations and dissociations between sound and image. Nevertheless, each work has its unique approach: some direct the viewer’s attention to the ‘backstage’ of the creative process, revealing that the relationship between sound and image is not intrinsic; others replace either the soundtrack or the images with a foreign source, thus creating “ostranenie” – the term for defamiliarization introduced by Russian writer and critic Victor Shklovsky, which means, among other things, to see in strangeness; last but not least, other works employ the technique of looping in order to create ritualistic mantras via repetition.

The sequence of videos will be screened twice, at 8:00 and 9:00pm; at the end of each sequence, a short conversation with some of the participating artists will be held.

Duration: 50 mins (each)

Admission: 20₪

The number of participants is limited, register here

Roy Menachem Markovich

Screamers, 2019

Still frm video

Screening | out-of-office: SELECTION OF VIDEO ART no.3

March 2, 2023

March 2, 2023

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